Rabu, 03 Desember 2008


Penerbit Visimedia membutuhkan 2-3 reporter Freelance by project, dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut

S1 hukum, fresh raduate
usia maksimal 27 tahun
tertarik dunia perbukuan
diutamakan bisa menulis sesuai EYD
mengerti masalah hukum
domilisi Jabodetabek

kirimkan cv dan lamaran ke redaksi@visimediapu staka.com, paling lambat 31 Desember 2008

keterangan lebih lengkap hubungi
Yoga dan Mulyono 021-78883030 ektensi 141/142

redaksi Visimedia

Senin, 24 November 2008


Yayasan Bina Swadaya adalah LSM terbesar di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam
Bidang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Saat ini membutuhkan PENULIS untuk
penulisan beberapa proyek buku dalam isu Community Development, CSR,
Kebijakan Pangan & Ekologi dan Kewirausahaan Sosial.


- Pria/Wanita, min S1
- Memiliki pengalaman penulisan/jurnalism e min. 2 tahun
- Memiliki karya yang pernah diterbitkan
- Bersedia dikontrak per project dengan kurun waktu 4 bulan.
- Memiliki minat di bidang Community Development, CSR, Kebijakan Pangan, Ekologi, Kewirausahaan Sosial,
- Bersedia melakukan penelitian di Seluruh Indonesia

Kirimkan Lamaran dan CV anda ke :
Kepala Bagian Penerbitan Kusala Swadaya
Jln. Gunung Sahari III no. 7
Jakarta Pusat
Atau via email ke fxagusm@yahoo.com
Lamaran paling lambat ditunggu 29 November 2008

Agus Mulyono
Head of Publisher Section

Rabu, 19 November 2008

Lowongan jabatan di Islamic Development Bank

1. Diinformasikan mengenai adanya lowongan jabatan Investment Officer, Operations Evaluation Officer dan Young Professional Program pada Islamic Development Bank (IDB) di Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

2. Kandidat untuk posisi Investment Officer diutamakan memiliki gelar pasca sarjana di bidang Business Administration atau Finance dengan pengalaman minimal 5-7 tahun di bidang marketable securities/fixed income investment/portfolio management and financial analysis. Kandidat diharapkan menguasai MS Office, Windows dan aplikasi Business lainnya serta menguasai bahasa Inggris.

3. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai lowongan posisi ini dapat dilihat di http://www.isdb.jobs/careers/isdb/Home.aspx. Batas waktu pendaftaran lowongan ini adalah tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dengan aplikasi dapat dilakukan secara on-line di http://www.isdb.jobs/careers/isdb/VacancyDetail.aspx/PageID=2513&VacanyID=14099

4. Kandidat untuk posisi Operations Evaluation Officer harus memiliki pendidikan tingkat sarjana di bidang Engineering, Applied Economics, atau Business dengan pengalaman minimum selama 10 tahun sebagai project evaluation officer atau economist atau posisi yang serupa. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki kemampuan evaluation issues and methodology, data collection dan analysis dan menguasai dua bahasa asing (Arab, Inggris atau Perancis).

5. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lanjut dapat dilihat di http://www.isdp.jobs/careers/isdb/Home.aspx . Batas waktu pendaftaran adalah tanggal 31 Desember 2008 dengan aplikasi dapat dilakukan secara on-line di http://www.isdb.jobs/careers/isdb/VacancyDetail.aspx?PageID=2513&VacancyID=12943

6. Kandidat untuk posisi Young Professionals Program harus memiliki gelar akademik tingkat pasca sarjana (Master atau Doctoral) di bidang Finance, Law, Economics, Business Administration, Accounting dsb. Kandidat diharapkan berusia di bawah 30 tahun, menguasai dua bahasa asing (Arab, Inggris atau Perancis), menguasai komputer dan memiliki kemampuan analisis, komunikasi dan kepemimpinan.

7. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lanjut untuk posisi ini dapat dilihat di http://www.isdp.jobs/careers/isdb/Home.aspx. Batas waktu pendaftaran adalah tanggal 31 Januari 2009 dengan aplikasi dapat dilakukan secara on-line di alamat http://www.isdb.jobs/careers/isdb/VacancyDetail.aspx?PageID=2513&VacancyID=12949

(Sumber : Set Ditjen Multilateral)

Assistant Programme Specialist dan Senior Programme Specialist di UNESCO

Disampaikan informasi mengenai adanya lowongan posisi Assistant Programme Specialist dan Senior Programme Specialist di UNESCO sbb :

1. Kandidat untuk posisi Assistant Programme Specialist harus memiliki pendidikan tingkat pasca sarjana atau yang setingkat, pengalaman sekurangnya 2-4 tahun di lingkungan profesional dan akademisi, baik tingkat nasional atau internasional. Kandidiat diharapkan memiliki kemampuan riset and analisis yang baik, memiliki pengetahuan bidang Teknologi Informasi dan mampu berbahasa Inggris atau Perancis.

2. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lengkap mengenai lowongan posisi ini dapat dilihat di alamat : http://recrutweb.unesco.org/pdf/FOR002.PDF. Batas waktu pendaftaran lowongan ini adalah tanggal 9 Desember 2008 dengan aplikasi dapat dilakukan secara on-line di http://recrutweb.unesco.orq .

3. Adapun kandidat untuk posisi Senior Programme Specialist harus memiliki pendidikan pasca sarjana dan lebih disukai bergelar Doktor (PhD) di bidang ilmu sains dasar atau teknik. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki pengalaman riset dan manajerial sekurangnya 10-15 tahun di bidang implementasi proyek kerjasama nasional atau internasional. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki kemampuan memimpin dan menguasai bahasa Inggris dan Perancis.

4. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lengkap mengenai posisi Senior Programme Specialist ini dapat di lihat di alamat http://recrutweb.unesco.orq/pdf/ITASC0002.PDF Batas waktu pendaftaran adalah tanggal 9 Desember 2008 dengan aplikasi dapat dilakukan secara on-line di http://recrutweb.unesco.orq.

Lowongan Staf Profesional Sekretariat IAEA Sampai Pertengahan tahun 2010

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) telah menyampaikan prakiraan lowongan staf profesional (kategori P1 s/d P5) kepada KBRI/PTRI Wina untuk disebarluaskan kepada individu yang tertarik dan memiliki kualifikasi yang diminta. Prakiraan ini telah dikembangkan oleh Divisi SDM IAEA yang menindaklanjuti hasil General Conference dalam memenuhi ketersediaan SDM secara regular. Untuk itu Sekretariat IAEA telah meminta kepada lembaga yang berwenang di Indonesia agar memberikan perhatiannya dalam menyiapkan dan memilih SDM yang baik.

Untuk informasi lowongan pekerjaan terkini yang dibuka oleh Sekretariat IAEA silakan klik


IAEA juga sangat mendorong pencalonan dari wanita berkualifikasi dan calon dari negara berkembang.

(Sumber: Direktorat KIPS)

2008 – Issues No. 13 – Vacancies expected through mid – 2010 (subject to change) Requirements/Role

A. Offices reporting to the Director General

B. Department of Management

C. Department of Nuclear Science and Applications

D. Department of Safeguards

E. Department of Technical Cooperation

II. Informasi Lowongan Staf Profesional Pada Sekretariat IAEA (05 Agustus 2008)

III. Informasi lowongan pekerjaan di IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development) (21 Agustus 2008)

IV. Informasi Lowongan Jabatan Deputy Head of Mission of the OIC Permanent Observer Mission di PBB, New York (21 Agustus 2008)

V. Informasi Lowongan Staf Profesional Pada Sekretariat IAEA (21 Agustus 2008):

Lowongan Pekerjaan Pada Sekretariat WIPO (Batas Akhir 2 Desember 2008) dan WMO

Sekretariat World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) dan World Meteorological Organization (WMO) membuka lowongan pekerjaansebagai berikut

1. Director (Chef de cabinet)
Kandidat untuk posisi Director (Chef de cabinet) harus memiliki pendidikan setingkat universitas (Hubungan Internasional, Administrasi Publik atau yang berkaitan), memiliki pengalaman selama 15 tahun di bidang formulasi kebijakan internasional dan strategi perencanaan pada level senior. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan pada beragam disiplin ilmu, dapat bekerja dalam team, dapat bernegosiasi dalam lingkup internasional dan menguasai bahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lengkap mengenai lowongan posisi ini dapat dilihat di http://www.wipo.int/edocs/jobdocs/en/2008/wipo_vacancy_d1938.pdf. Batas waktu pendaftaran adalah tanggal 2 Desember 2008.

2. Chief Information Officer
Kandidat untuk posisi Chief Information Officer harus memiliki pendidikan S2 pada bidang komputerisasi, manajemen sistem informasi dan teknik, administrasi bisnis atau yang sederajat. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki pengalaman selama 15 tahun di bidang pelayanan informasi, organisasi pemerintah atau PBB, menguasai teknologi informasi dan menguasai bahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lengkap dapat di lihat di http://www.wipo.int/edocs/jobdocs/en/2008/wipo_vacancy_d1939.pdf. Batas waktu pendaftaran tanggal 2 Desember 2008.

3. Deputy Director
Kandidat untuk posisi Deputy Director harus memiliki pendidikan setingkat universitas, memiliki pengalaman selama 15 tahun pada international diplomacy dan 5 tahun pada level senior dalam bidang administrasi negara atau organisasi pernerintah. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki kemampuan bernegosiasi, menguasai isu-isu WIPO, mengenal aktifitas dan prosedur PBB dan menguasai bahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lengkap dapat di lihat di alamat http://www.wipo.int/edocs/jobdocs/en/2008/wipo_vacancy_d1940.pdf Batas waktu pendaftaran tanggal 2 Desember 2008.

4. Consultant/ Analyst Programmer
Kandidat untuk 2 posisi lowong sebagai Consultant / Analyst Programmer harus memiliki pendidikan universitas atau sederajat, memiliki pengalaman bidang komputerisasi, menguasai analisa sistem dan metodologi penggunaannya dan menguasai bahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lengkap dapat di lihat di http://www.wipo.int/edocs/jobdocs/en/2008/wipo_vacancy_maps_1.pdf

5. Director (Human Resources Management Department)
Kandidat untuk posisi Director (Human Resources Management Department) harus memiliki pendidikan pasca sarjana di bidang sumber daya manusia, administrasi bisnis atau publik. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki pengalaman selama 15 tahun di bidang administrasi dan human resources management, berpengalaman menggunakan teknologi informasi dan menguasai bahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lanjut dapat di lihat di http://www.wipo.int/edocs/jobdocs/en/2008/wipo_vacancy_d1941.pdf. Batas waktu pendaftaran adalah tanggal 2 Desember 2008.

6. Chief Economist
Kandidat untuk posisi Chief Economist harus memiliki pendidikan setingkat S2, berpengalaman selama 15 tahun dan penerapan ilmu dan teori ekonomi dengan latar belakang analis data ekonomi. Kandidat diharapkan ahli dalam aplikasi analisa ekonomi, mengetahui sistem kerja WIPO, mahir menggunakan perangkat database dan menguasai bahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lengkap lowongan dapat di lihat di http://www.wipo.int/edocs/jobdocs/en/2008/wipo_vacancy_d1942.pdf.

7.Director (Global Challenges Division)
Kandidat untuk posisi Director (Global Challenges Division) harus memiliki pendidikan setingkat S2 dengan pengalaman selama 15 tahun di akademisi dalam penerapan ilmu dan teori ekonomi dengan latar belakang analis data ekonomi, pemahaman isu-isu global yang ada di PBB dan sistem kerja WIPO. Kandidat diharapkan dapat bernegosiasi, memiliki jaringan luas, dapat berkomunikasi dengan lancar dan menguasai bahasa Inggris atau Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lengkap dapat dilihat di http://www.wipo.int/edocs/jobdocs/en/2008/wipo_vacancy_d1943.pdf.

Untuk keterangan lebih lengkap lagi mengenai lowongan posisi di World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) dapat dilihat di alamat http://www.wipo.int/hr/en atau menghubungi :

Human Resources Engagement and Development Section World Intellectual Property Organization (W/PO)
34, chermindes Colombettes, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Tel. :+41 22 338 91 11 Fax. : 4122 338 98 20
e-mail: staff.engagements@wipo.int

8. Internal Auditor
Adapun kandidat untuk posisi Internal Auditor di World Meteorological Organization (WMO) harus memiliki pendidikan setingkat universitas dengan pengalaman minimum 3 tahun di bidang audit, investigasi atau evaluasi audit organisasi moderen. Kandidat harus menguasai bahasa Inggris dan Perancis. Untuk persyaratan dan keterangan lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di http://www.wmo.int/pages/vacancies/documents/VN1733E.pdf atau di website WMO di http://www.wmo.int/pages/vacancies/index_en.html atau http://www.wmo.int/pages/vacancies/jobslist_en.html .

Selasa, 18 November 2008

Hal-hal TERBESAR bagi seorang karyawan

Diarsipkan di bawah: smiLe's — anammakoto @ 1:28 am

Hal-hal TERBESAR bagi seorang karyawan:
1. Motivasi terbesar adalah gaji.
2. Kesialan terbesar adalah promosi tanpa kenaikan gaji.
3. Kejutan terbesar adalah bekerja biasa tapi tiba-tiba gaji naik.
4. Bakat terbesar adalah berpura-pura sibuk tapi tak melakukan apa-apa.
5. Kesalahan terbesar adalah membantah bos.
6. Penurun semangat terbesar adalah terlambat menerima gaji.
7. Kesedihan terbesar adalah tidak menerima gaji krn bos melarikan diri.
8. Kebahagiaan terbesar adalah menjadi bos dari bos sekarang.
9. Kecerdikan terbesar adalah datang terlambat tapi bos tidak tahu.
10. Ketololan terbesar adalah bilang pada orang lain bahwa kita ini malas.
11. Kebiasaan terbesar adalah bos mengatakan sesuatu padahal artinya lain.
12. Keinginan terbesar adalah memecat bos sendiri.
13. Kekesalan terbesar adalah anda bekerja keras tapi orang lain yg dipuji.
14. Kepuasan terbesar adalah bisa saling berkirim email.

Kamis, 23 Oktober 2008




UN-Habitat is in preparations for a detailed evaluation of post reconstruction Aceh sanitation facilities on targeted houses with the support from ADB Extended Mission in Sumatra (ADB-EMS) and BRR. Core component of the programme include a rapid but comprehensive assessment of on-site sanitation facilities of 3000 houses located in Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar and Aceh Barat (Meulaboh) against the standards in the BRR Guidelines for Sustainable Sanitation followed by a remedial action plan and providing assistance to implement remedial actions, as found necessary, for the residential sanitation amenities realized under the ETESP programmes.

Presently UN-Habitat is implementing the Post Reconstruction Aceh Sanitation Assessment and Assistance Programme (ASAAP) and requires service of the following positions:
Civil Engineer

Community Facilitator Advisor
Senior Sanitation Engineer
Community Awareness and Education Program Facilitator
Community Facilitator Specialist
Design and CAD Engineer
Reporting Officer
Survey Team Leader
Computer Programmer Data Base
Community Facilitator
District Team Leader
Senior Civil Engineer
Admin/HR/Logistic Officer

Submission of Applications:

The application comprises a one page cover letter explaining your interest and suitability for the post and your CV with a Passport

Photograph . Interested candidates (Indonesian Nationals) should submit their application to

Email : unhabitat.aceh@gmail.com

(subject: ‘post applying ‘)

Please note that applications received after the closing date (30th October 2008) will not be given consideration. Only short listed candidates whose application responds to the above criteria will be contacted for interview.

Keterangan lebih detail, klik: http://www.unhabitat-indonesia.org/vacancy/index.htm

Selasa, 21 Oktober 2008



Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia, lembaga negara yang mempunyai tugas pokok memeriksa pengelolaan dan tanggungjawab keuangan negara, membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia, pria dan wanita, lulusan Sarjana dan Diploma III untuk diangkat sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan II / III dan ditempatkan pada Kantor Pusat/Kantor Perwakilan BPK-RI di seluruh Indonesia. Informasi lebih lengkap baca di website BPK: http://cpns.bpk.go.id/

Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008



Klien kami, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang industri Home
Appliances (MODENNA), membutuhkan para profesional yang kompeten dan
berpengalaman untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:

Memimpin, merencanakan, mengkoordinir dan mengawasi pengelolaan pemasaran
sesuai dengan prosedur/policy yang telah digariskan.
1. Membuat strategi pengembangan dan segmentasi pasar yang tepat
yang dapat menunjang peningkatan penjualan perusahaan.
2. Merencanakan program-program pemasaran, baik jangka menengah
maupun yang bersifat taktis serta penggunaan media promosinya.
3. Ikut memberikan masukan atas harga jual barang dagang yang
tepat dengan ikut memperhatikan harga dari saingan.
4. Mengkoordinir pencarian informasi pasar dan menganalisa
bersama teamnya dan bagian penjualan.
5. Ikut memberikan masukan atas planning pengadaan barang kepada
bagian Purchasing.
6. Merencanakan program Komunikasi yang efektif dan terpadu, baik
Above the Line maupun Below the Line, termasuk program pameran, baik di
Jabotabek maupun di luar kota.
7. Membuat anggaran yang meliputi seluruh fungsi dan kegiatan
pemasaran dan penjualan serta ikut mengontrol pengeluaran realisasi
biaya-biayanya. Termasuk untuk anggaran pada masing-masing kantor
8. Men-support penjualan setiap cabang dalam pencapaian sales
target masing-masing.
9. Turut mengembangkan channel-channel distribusi yang baru baik
kepada para resellers maupun kepada end users (projects) dan
intermediaries (banks, MLM, design konsultan, dll).
10. Turut serta dalam membina dan meningkatkan hubungan dengan para
relasi (dealer, distributor, event coordinator, project/konsultan,
11. Turut mengkoordinir tercapainya hasil yang maksimal pada bagian
service, administrasi penjualan, logistik serta bagian front-line
12. Aktif memberikan usulan yang bermanfaat untuk terciptanya
efektivitas kerja perusahaan.
13. Meningkatkan efisiensi kerja dan produktivitas, mengendalikan
lingkungan kerja, khususnya pada divisinya serta aktif melakukan
pembinaan terhadap staff bawahannya

Min. S1 - Ekonomi/Teknik/Administrasi Bisnis, lebih disukai S2 dalam
Pengalaman 5 tahun sebagai Marketing Manager, lebih disukai dari
industri elektronik
Mampu memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan pemasaran serta
bekerjasama dengan bagian lain
Komunikasi efektif, kreatif, belajar dengan cepat dan bekerja dengan

2 . BRANCH COORDINATOR (National Sales Manager)
Memimpin, merencanakan, mengkoordinir dan mengawasi pengelolaan pemasaran
dan penjualan sesuai dengan prosedur/policy yang telah digariskan.
1. Menangani dan menyiapkan rencana ?rencana pemasaran, promosi
dan pameran, dll.
2. Menangani dan mengembangkan Channel Distribusi Hypermarket
dan Tradisional store.
3. Membuat perencanaan strategi pemasaran untuk Hypermarket &
Tradisional yang tepat untuk perkembangan pemasaran perusahaan.
4. Mengkoordinir dan merencanakan serta pengawasan
Cabang-cabang yang sudah ada di Seluruh Indonesia.
5. Merencanakan, membuka dan mengembangkan Cabang-cabang baru
di Seluruh Indonesia.
6. Mengkoordinir pencarian informasi pasar, merk lain,
aktivitas Dealer serta analisanya untuk dilaporkan kepada Direksi.
7. Membina dan meningkatkan hubungan dengan para relasi
(dealer, distributor, penyelenggara pameran).
8. Mengkoordinir dan mengontrol Administrasi penjualan dan
penagihan para dealer.
9. Mengembangkan distributor-distributor di luar kota dan
dealer-dealer baru.
10. Menentukan harga jual barang dagang dengan memperhatikan harga
dari saingan.
11. Mengkoordinasi dan mensupport penjualan tiap-tiap sales dan
cabang-cabang dalam pencapaian sales target.
12. Menyiapkan jadwal pameran selama satu tahun khususnya pameran
di Jabotabek.
13. Membuat anggaran yang meliputi seluruh fungsi dan kegiatannya
serta mengontrol pengeluaran biaya-biaya divisi Business Development.
14. Meningkatkan efisiensi kerja dan produktivitas, mengendalikan
lingkungan kerja dan melakukan pembinaan terhadap bawahannya.
15. Melaksanakan tugas-tugas lain yang diberikan atasan.

1. Menentukan prosedur yang tidak melanggar kebijakan yang
telah digariskan Direksi.
2. Ikut serta dalam membuat kebijakan tujuan perusahaan yang
berhubungan dengan fungsinya.
3. Mengusulkan tambahan, mutasi, promosi dan pemutusan hubungan
kerja bawahannya (yang dinilai tidak produktif atau melanggar

1. Atas kegagalan kerja fungsi pemasaran dan penjualan.
2. Atas kelancaran pembayaran dari semua penjualan.
3. Memelihara hubungan kerja sama yang baik dengan
bagian-bagian lain di dalam lingkungan perusahaan.
4. Mentaati dan menjalankan peraturan dan prosedur yang
ditetapkan oleh perusahaan antara lain seperti yang tercantum di
dalam buku manual Sistem & Prosedur, internal memo, dl

Min. S1 - Ekonomi/Teknik/Administrasi Bisnis, lebih disukai S2 dalam
Pengalaman 10 tahun sebagai Sales Manager, lebih disukai dari
industri elektronik
Mampu memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan kegiatan pemasaran serta
bekerjasama dengan bagian lain
Komunikasi efektif, kreatif, belajar dengan cepat dan bekerja dengan
Peduli akan dampak tindakan yang diambil terhadap keberlangsungan


| Silahkan isi form CV yang terlampir, dan cantumkan foto berwarna |
| terbaru serta gaji yang diharapkan. |
| Form yang telah diisi dapat dikirim melalui email |
| mpi_consultant@yahoo.com dengan subject : IM Home Appliances. |
| |
| Kirimkan paling lambat 30 Oktober 2008. |
| All application will be treated in strict confidentiality. Only|
| short listed candidates will be processes. |


Diperlukan segera 1 (satu) orang konsultan gender

Konsultan Gender untuk Pengartikulasian Kesetaraan
Gender dalam Kebijakan dan Praktek bagi Lembaga Anggota WGBP

Dalam perencanaan WGBP disebutkan bahwa akan
dilakukan Coching Pengintegrasian Gender untuk 47 lokal NGO yang menjadi
partisipan WGBP. Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan FGD pengintegrasian gender yang
membahas berbagai materi yang kemudian disusun untuk melakukan coaching pada
lembaga-lembaga anggota WGBP.
Coaching pengartikulasian Kesetaraan Gender dalam
kebijakan dan praktek bagi lembaga Partisipan WGBP
Agar kegiatan diatas dapat menghasilkan dampak
yang lebih maksimal maka diperlukan dukungan dari konsultan gender

Dengan metode partisipatif melakukan
pendampingan intensif (technical asistancy) pada lembaga anggota WGBP dan para
Coacher Gender.

Scope of
1. Membuat training kurikulum dan schedule
2. Mempersiapkan module
3. Melatih dan mendampingi minimal 4 lembaga
partisipan WGBP untuk proses pengintegrasian gender
4. Mendampingi Coucher Gender yang akan melakukan
coaching Pengartikulasian Kesetaraan Gender dalam Kebijakan dan Praktek bagi
Lembaga Anggota WGBP
5. Membuat laporan kegiatan

1. Logframe program Yayasan Matahari/WGBP
2. Data-data lain yang menunjang kegiatan yang
dimiliki WGBP

1. Manajemen Yayasan Matahari
2. Ketua Komite Kreatif dan Koordinator WGBP
3. Staff Networking
4. Komputer desktop, LCD Projector
5. Penginapan di Yayasan Matahari

1. Training kurikulum dan schedule
2. Training modul
3. Minimal 4 lembaga anggota WGBP dapat melakukan
proses pengintegrasian gender
4. 8 Coucher dapat dikuatkan untuk melatih lembaga
anggota melakukan pengintegrasian gender
5. Laporan aktifitas, evaluasi kegiatan dan

of Assignment
30 hari kerja (Oktober-Nopember 2008)

Pengiriman Lamaran:
Lamaran dapat ditujukan ke Yayasan Matahari, dikirimkan melalui email ke:


Dengan melampirkan curiculum vitae (CV) terbaru.

Note: Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dipanggil untuk wawancara.

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008


Firma hukum terkemuka di Banda Aceh, membutuhkan tenaga professional untuk posisi:

Lawyer (2 Orang) Kualifikasi:
1. Usia maksimal 35 tahun
2. Pendidikan minimal S1 hukum dan memiliki izin Advokat/Pengacara
3. Pengalaman min. 2 tahun prioritas dalam hukum bisnis, corporate lawyer, kontrak dan perburuhan.
4. Terbiasa menangani perusahaan/lembaga dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
5. Diutamakan menguasai bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
6. Mampu mengoperasikan Mocrosoft Office dengan baik, biasa menggunakan email.
7. Mampu bekerja keras, jujur, bermotivasi tinggi dan bekerjasama dengan tim
8. Bersedia bekerja overtime, dibawah tekanan, dan melaksanakan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.

Manajer Operasional (1 Orang) Kualifikasi:
1. Perempuan, umur max. 27 tahun
2. Punya kemampuan manajerial, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
3. Single / belum menikah
4. Pendidikan min. D3 Sekretaris/Administrasi/AKuntansi/Manajemen;
5. Dapat mengoperasikan computer
6. Dapat melakukan korespondensi surat menyurat, biasa menggunakan email
7. Dapat berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan.
8. Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
9. Bersih, sehat dan berpenampilan menarik.

Kirim aplikasi dan lamaran (Curriculum Vitae dan pasphoto) paling lambat sebelum 25 Oktober 2008 ke info@farzalawfirm.com Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat akan dihubungi via telepon dan email.

Lambhuk Town Square #4
Jl. Panglima Nyak Makam,
Banda Aceh 23125
Tel. (0651) 33969, Fax 32969


Panin Life as one of the leading life insurance companies with annual revenue of more than IDR 1 trillion, invites you to join us as:

Call Center Staff


* Female, max 25 years old, single
* Minimum D3 Degree from any major
* High motivation
* Fast learning
* Experienced in handling customers is a must
* Good communication skill & strong team work

Please send your CV & recent photo by quoting the position code (“CCR”) to:

Or mail to:
Human Capital Department
Panin Life Center, 6th Fl.
Jl. Letjend. S. Parman Kav. 91
Jakarta 11420

Before Oktober 28, 2008


Departemen Perhubungan Republik Indonesia memberi kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita untuk mengikuti Seleksi Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Departemen Perhubungan Formasi Tahun Anggaran 2008.

Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Perhubungan dibagi menjadi 5 kategori antara lain

1. Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tingkat Sarjana
2. Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tingkat D-III, D-II, dan D-I Gabungan Unit Kerja Eselon I
3. Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut
4. Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara
5. Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan SAR Nasional

Masing-masing syarat dan ketentuan dapat dilihat atau di download pada link berikut

1. Pengumuman Sarjana
2. Pengumuman D-III, D-II dan D-I
3. Pengumuman Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Laut
4. Pengumuman Direktorat Jenderal Perhubungan Udara
5. Pengumuman Badan SAR Nasional

Khusus untuk tingkat Sarjana, pendaftaran dilakukan secara online. Form pengisian data CPNS dapat dilakukan di alamat ini: www.dephub.go.id/cpns Untuk hasil yang lebih baik, diutamakan menggunakan Internet Explorer, atau mozilla firefox versi 3

Untuk pendaftar selain sarjana, dilakukan sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan pendaftaran yang sesuai dengan pengumuman masing-masing…selengkapnya di www.hermawan.net

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008


Save the Children UK (SCUK) is a leading international NGO working to create a better world for children. Currently Save the Children UK–Indonesia is seeking highly motivated, dedicated and experienced staff for the following position:

Project Officer Alternative Report (code: POAR) – 1 post – based in Jakarta office
This position will assist Project Manager Child Rights in delivering the project of the Alternative Report of government’s performance in upholding children’s rights in relation to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Contract type will be fixed term contract up to 30 November 2008.

Please send application letter stating code of position applied for, and detailed updated CV to the email address at hrd@savethechildren.or.id , at the latest by 20 July 2008. Only candidates with relevant background and experience will be short listed. Due to urgent need, applications will be reviewed in daily basis and candidates may be interviewed and position may be filled before the closing date


Kamis, 25 September 2008

Urgently Required!!

Sebuah perusahaan profesional yang bergerak di bidang jasa Tour & Travel, saat ini membutuhkan :
Accounting Staff
Requirements :
- Wanita, usia maks. 25 tahun
- S1 Akuntansi
- Fresh graduate atau pengalaman selama 1 tahun
- Inisiatif, jujur, bertanggungjawab

Kirim lamaran ke anas@e-intidata.com


Public Affairs Officer

Qualifications include: This position requires a university degree in mass communication or a relevant field. Minimum 2 years of experience working with a development organization. A year working in the role of an information/communication officer is highly desirable. Highly advanced computers skills including knowledge of software used for graphical designing, Adobe Photoshop, MS Publisher, PowerPoint etc. is mandatory. A general understanding of relief and development programs is required. Fluency in English verbal and written communication, multi-tasking, organizational, prioritization skills are necessary. Good knowledge of Acehnese desirable.

Responsibilities include: Visit project locations and in consultation with program staff write beneficiary/client stories, Maintain the photo gallery related to program activities, Maintain and update the Share point in a coordination with the Data Base Officer/Assistant, Develop informational material for the Mercy Corps programs including brochures, leaflets, program profiles etc. in English/ Bahasa, Share program activities and distribute it to Mercy Corps partner organizations, other Mercy Corps programs, and other institutions interested in Mercy Corps activities in Indonesia, Develop a good relationship between Mercy Corps and media,

All applicants will include CV, Salary requirements, references, and all relevant official documents, to:
Mercy Corps,Human Resources Officer

Jl. St. Mansyursyah No. 7 Banda Aceh
Fax: 0651 – 7410703;Phone: 0651 – 21757
Email : hr@ba.id.mercycorps.org

DEADLINE for ALL APPLICATIONS: 5 October 2008, 4pm


Qualifications include : 2 years experience in office administration; clear understanding and working knowledge of the procedure and policies of the administration system; ability to work simultaneously on multiple task; willingness and ability to work effectively with a wide variety of people; ability to work as part of a team; good spoken and written English; computer literature. Female Candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
Pengalaman 2 tahun dalam bidang administrasi; memahami dan memiliki pengetahuan tentang prosedur dan system administrasi; memiliki kemampuan bekerja secara berkesinambungan dengan berbagai macam pekerjaan; mampu bekerja secara efektif dengan banyak orang; mampu bekerja dalam tim; lancar berbahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan; mampu mengoperasikan computer. Kandidat Wanita sangat diharapkan untuk melamar

Responsibilities include: In charge of handling the administrative issues regarding accommodation, managing the house/office rental agreement, managing the filling system in a proper way and ensuring the office is run in a professional way. Travel and accommodation arrangement. Maintain and recording all data related to the office and housing expenses. Responsible for visa processing and utilities. Ensure that the office is run in a professional and responsible manner including hosting guests, cleaning, receptionist duties and general contact and liaison with outside agencies.
menangani seluruh kegiatan administrasi yang berhubungan dengan akomodasi, mengelola kontrak perjanjian rumah/kantor, mengelola system file yang baik dan menjamin seluruh kegiatan kantor berjalan dengan lancar. Mengatur perjalanan staff dan akomodasinya, Memelihara dan mencatat semua data yang berhubungan dengan pengeluaran kantor/ rumah, Bertanggung jawab dalam pengurusan visa dan perlengkapan lainnya, Menjamin bahwa kegiatan kantor berjalan secara professional dan bertanggung jawab dalam menerima tamu, membersihkan dan seluruh pekerjaan administrasi dan hubungan dengan pihak-pihak di luar Mercy Corps.

All applicants will include CV, Salary requirements, references, and all relevant official documents, to:
Human Resources Officer
Mercy Corps
Jl. St. Mansyursyah No. 7 Banda Aceh
Phone : 0651 – 21757
Email : hr@ba.id.mercycorps.org
Please kindly put the position code as the subject

DEADLINE for ALL APPLICATIONS: 5 October 2008– 4 pm

Selasa, 16 September 2008


Rehabilitation Action for Torture victims in Aceh (RATA), Lokal NGO yang begerak untuk merehabilitasi orang-orang yang selamat dari tidak kekerasan/konflik, membuka lowongan untuk posisi Program Manager/Office Manager, lokasi kerja di Bireuen.
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
Bahasa inggris aktif lisan/tulisan
Terbiasa dengan penulisan proposal dan laporan
Mempunyai kemampuan managerial program /keuangan yang baik
Mempunyai kemampuan leadership yang baik
Mampu menjalin hubungan yang baik dengan stakeholder dan pemerintahan

Kontrak antara 6 sampai 12 Bulan dengan rate gaji Rp 4-5 juta/Bln, bagi yang berminat segera kirimkan CV secepat mungkin, ke rata_org@yahoo.com, mulai kerja sesegera mungkin.

Minggu, 14 September 2008


Menjawab dengan cerdas, taktis dan optimis

Meski anda merasa pintar dan brilian, jangan keburu yakin bahwa semua
pintu perusahaan akan terbuka secara otomatis untuk anda. Sebab
kenyataannya, para tuan dan nyonya pintar ini seringkali gagal dalam
wawancara. Alasannya ? tidak smart dan taktis dalam menjawab

1. Ceritakan tentang diri anda

Erina Collins, seorang agen rekruitmen di Los Angeles menyatakan
seringkali ada perbedaan yang mengejutkan antara ketika kita
membaca lamaran seseorang dengan saat berhadapan dengan si pelamar.

"Pengalaman menunjukkan, surat lamaran yang optimis tidak selalu
menunjukkan bahwa pelamarnya juga sama optimisnya," kata Erina. Ketika
pewawancara menanyakan hal yang sederhana seperti "Di mata anda, siapa
anda?" atau "Ceritakan sesuatu tentang anda", banyak pelamar menatap
pewawancaranya dengan bingung dan lalu seketika menjadi tak percaya

"Saya merasa biasa-biasa saja" atau "tak banyak yang bisa saya
ceritakan tentang diri saya" seringkali menjadi jawaban yang dipilih
pelamar sebagai upaya merendahkan diri. Selama ini banyak artikel
karir konvensional yang menyarankan agar anda sebaiknya merendahkan
diri sebisa mungkin, sebagai upaya mencuri hati si pewawancara.

"Tapi ini jaman modern. Jawaban yang terlalu merendah dan banyak
basi-basi hanya menunjukkan bahwa anda sebenarnya tidak yakin dengan
diri anda. Dan perusahaan masa kini tidak butuh karyawan seperti
itu," tegas Erina.

Pengalaman Eliana Burthon, staf humas sebuah hotel berbintang di New
York mungkin menarik untuk disimak. Ketika pewawancara memberinya satu
menit untuk bercerita tentang dirinya, Eliana mengatakan "Saya Eliana
Burthon, anak pertama dari lima bersaudara. Sejak SMA, saya aktif di
koran sekolah. Disitu saya menulis, mewawancarai orang-orang di sekitar
saya dan berhubungan dengan mereka. Dari situ saya sadar alangkah
menariknya bisa bertemu dengan orang banyak, berdiskusi dan mengetahui
banyak hal dari mereka. Diluar itu, saya senang musik, membaca dan
traveling.Ketika kuliah, saya sering menulis pengalaman jalan-jalan
saya, atau sekedar memberi referensi kaset yang sedang laris untuk
koran kampus saya."

Meski tak memberikan jawaban yang berbunga-bunga, apa yang diungkapkan
Eliana tentang dirinya menunjukkan bahwa dirinya terbuka, ramah dan
punya rasa ingin tahu. "Jawaban itu cerdas dan efektif untuk
menggambarkan bagaimana dia menyatakan secara implisit bahwa dirinya
merasa layak ditempatkan di posisi yang diincarnya. Pewawancara butuh
jawaban seperti itu. Cukup singkat, tapi menunjukkan optimisme yang
alamiah," kata Erina Collins.

Kalau anda dipanggil untuk wawancara, sebisanya persiapkan diri dengan
baik. Rasa percaya diri dan menunjukkan bahwa anda menjadi diri sendiri
adalah yang terpenting. Pewawancara tidak butuh jawaban yang berbunga-
bunga, berapi-api apalagi munafik.

Pada kesempatan pertama, mereka biasanya ingin melihat bagaimana si
pelamar menghargai diri sendiri. Sebab itu, buatlah beberapa poin
tentang kemahiran anda, hal-hal yang anda sukai dan inginkan untuk
masa depan anda. Kalau telah menemukan poin -poin itu, berlatihlah
mengemukakan semua itu dalam sebuah jawaban singkat yang cerdas dan

2. Hati-hati pertanyaan jebakan

Siapapun idealnya tak suka menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
memojokkan. Tapi begitulah kenyataannya ketika anda diwawancara.
Seringkali banyak hal tak terduga yang dilontarkan si pewawancara
dan membuat anda seringkali kelepasan bicara.

Dalam hal ini, Erina memberi contoh pengalamannya ketika mewawancarai
seorang pelamar tentang mengapa ia memutuskan pindah kerja.

"Ketika itu saya tanya 'apa yang membuat anda memutuskan pindah kerja?
tadi anda bilang, lingkungan kerjanya cukup nyaman kan?' dan pelamar
itu menjawab 'saya tidak suka bos saya. Seringkali ia membuat saya
jengkel dengan pekerjaan-pekerjaan tambahan dan itupun tidak membuat
gaji saya naik.'Saya lalu berpikir, apa yang akan dia katakan jika
suatu saat keluar dari perusahaan saya tentulah tak beda buruknya
dengan apa yang dia ungkapkan pada saya tentang perusahaan lamanya,"
ungkap Erina.

Poinnya, taktislah dalam memberi jawaban. Jangan pernah memberi jawaban
yang menjelekkan tempat kerja anda yang lama atau apapun yang konotasinya
negatif. Lebih baik kalau anda menjawab "saya menginginkan ritme kerja
yang teratur dan terjadwal.

Mengenai gaji, sebenarnya di tempat kerja yang lama tak ada masalah,
tapi tentu saya senang kalau ada peluang untuk peningkatan gaji." Atau
kalau anda ditanya tentang kelemahan anda, lebih baik tidak menjawab
"saya sering telat dan lupa waktu." Tetapi jawablah lebih taktis,
misalnya "kadang saya memang pelupa, tetapi beberapa waktu ini sudah
membaik karena saya selalu mencatat segalanya di buku agenda." atau
"saya sering kesal kalau kerja dengan rekan yang lamban, tetapi
sebisanya kami berdiskusi bagaimana caranya menyelesaikan kerja dengan
lebih cepat."

Dalam wawancara, si pewawancara selalu berupaya mengorek sedapat
mungkin tentang kepribadian pelamar. Kadang pertanyaan sepele seperti
"Sudah punya pacar? Ada niat menikah dalam waktu dekat?" sering
ditanggapi buru-buru oleh si pelamar dengan menjawab misalnya "Sudah,
rencananya kami akan menikah akhir tahun ini." Padahal, menurut Erina,
jawaban itu bisa jadi penutup peluang kerja anda. "Perusahaan selalu
ingin diyakinkan bahwa calon karyawannya hanya akan fokus pada pekerjaan
mereka, terutama pada awal masa kerja.

Jawaban bahwa anda akan menikah dalam waktu dekat justru menunjukkan
bahwa perusahaan bukanlah fokus anda yang sebenarnya, tetapi hanya
seperti selingan," ujar Erina sambil menambahkan bahwa akan lebih baik
kalau anda menjawab "sudah, tapi sebenarnya saya ingin mempunyai
pengalaman kerja yang cukup sebelum memutuskan untuk menikah."

3. Semangat dan bahasa tubuh

Dalam wawancara kerja, penampilan memang bukan nomor satu tetapi
menjadi pendukung yang ikut menentukan. Karena itu selain berpakaian
rapi, tidak seronok, mencolok atau banyak pernik, tunjukkan bahasa tubuh
yang baik. Jangan pernah melipat tangan di dada pada saat wawancara,
karena memberi kesan bahwa anda seorang yang kaku dan defensif. Idealnya,
tangan dibiarkan bebas untuk mengekspresikan kata-kata anda, tentu saja
dengan tidak berlebihan.

Selama wawancara berlangsung, buatlah kontak mata yang intens. Pelamar
yang sering membuat kontak mata menunjukkan keinginan untuk dipercaya
serta kesungguhan memberikan jawaban. Rilekslah dan sesekali tersenyum
untuk menunjukkan bahwa anda pribadi yang hangat. Umumnya, perusahaan
menyukai pelamar yang menyenangkan. Kurangi kata-kata "saya merasa..."
atau "saya kurang..." dan sebaiknya gunakan "saya pikir...", "menurut
pendapat saya..", "saya yakin...", "saya optimis...". Kata-kata "saya
merasa ..." atau "saya kurang..." mengesankan anda lebih sering menduga,
menggunakan perasaan, tidak terlalu percaya diri dan tidak menguasai

Cara berpakaian yang baik dalam wawancara

Berpakaian yang "baik" dalam wawancara memang tidak dapat
digeneralisasikan karena setiap perusahaan memiliki kebiasaan-
kebiasaan/budaya perusahaan yang berbeda. Namun, ada beberapa tips
yang dapat diingat, antara lain:

· Cari informasi terlebih dahulu tentang perusahaan dan Bapak/Ibu yang
akan mewawancarai anda. Beberapa perusahaan memiliki peraturan atau
"kebiasaan" berpakaian secara formal, tetapi ada juga yang semi formal,
atau bahkan ada yang bebas. Hal ini penting, agar anda tidak dilihat
sebagai "orang aneh', disesuaikan dengan posisi yang akan dilamar.
Bagi pelamar pria disarankan menggunakan kemeja lengan panjang dan
berdasi, tidak perlu menggunakan jas. Berpakaian rapih dan bersih,
tidak kusut. Hal ini memberi kesan bahwa anda menghargai wawancara ini.

· Berpakaian dengan warna yang tidak terlalu menyolok (mis.,mengkilap,
· Bagi pelamar wanita berpakaian yang tidak terlalu ketat (rokbawah,
kancing baju atasan).
· Berpakaian dengan disain yang simple (tidak telalu banyak
pernik-pernik, toch ini bukan acara pesta).
· Tidak berlebihan dalam menggunakan wangi-wangian dan perhiasan.

Berapa gaji yang anda minta ?

Bila dalam wawancara, Anda ditanya berapa gaji yang anda inginkan,
bagaimana cara menjawab pertanyaan itu dengan baik tanpa menimbulkan
kesan bahwa Anda pencari gaji tinggi atau memberi kesan berapapun
imbalan yang diberikan Anda mau.

Pada umumnya perusahaan sudah mempunyai rentang standar gaji untuk
jabatan-jabatan yang ditawarkan. Bagi pelamar untuk posisi yang lebih
tinggi dan langka biasanya memiliki kekuatan tawar menawar yang lebih
tinggi. Jadi dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut anda harus memperoleh
gambaran dulu imbalan total yang akan anda terima dalam setahun.

Imbalan total adalah gaji dan tunjangan lain yang diberikan termasuk
insentif dan bonus. Selain itu perlu ditanyakan
apakah imbalan yang ditawarkan itu termasuk PPH atau netto.

Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tersebut jawablah imbalan yang anda harapkan
setahun. Berdasarkan harga pasar yang sesuai untuk jabatan tersebut
serta nilai tambah yang anda miliki. Jawablah dengan diplomatis: " Saya
berpendapat perusahaan ini pasti sudah mempunyai standar imbalan bagi
jabatan ini.

Berdasarkan pengalaman yang saya miliki dan kontribusi yang dapat saya
berikan pada perusahaan ini, saya mengharapkan imbalan yang akan
diberikan adalah minimal Rp. .../tahun ditambah fasilitas-fasilitas
lain sesuai dengan peraturan perusahaan.

Negosiasi mengenai gaji pada saat ini tidak lagi dipandang tabu oleh
sebagian besar perusahaan, namun anda diharapkan mengumpulkan informasi
dulu agar dapat bernegosiasi dengan baik.

Variasi pertanyaan dalam wawancara

Bagi pelamar terutama bagi pemula pencari kerja perlu mempersiapkan
diri dalam menghadapi pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang akan dihadapi.

Berikut ini kami berikan variasi-variasi pertanyaan yang kerap muncul
dalam wawancara:

Pertanyaan mengenai riwayat pendidikan :

· Mengapa anda memilih jurusan tersebut?
· Mata pelajaran apa yang anda paling suka, jelaskan alasannya.
· Mata pelajaran apa yang kurang anda sukai, jelaskan alasannya.
· Pada tingkat pendidikan mana anda merasa paling berprestasi, mengapa?
· Apakah hasil ujian menggambarkan potensi anda, jelaskan?
· Siapakah yang membiayai studi anda?
· Bagaimana teman-teman atau guru mengambarkan mengenai diri anda?
· Dalam lingkungan macam apakah anda merasa dapat bekerja paling baik?

Pertanyaan mengenai pengalaman kerja :

· Ceritakan mengenai pengalaman kerja anda
· Bagi yang belum pernah bekerja pada umumnya diminta untuk
mengenai aktivitas ekstra kurikuler selama studi.
· Pekerjaan manakah yang paling menantang bagi anda, mohon dijelaskan.
· Pekerjaan manakah yang paling menantang bagi anda dan bagaimana anda
menyelesaikan hal tersebut
· Dengan kolega macam apakah anda senang bekerja sama?
· Dengan boss macam apakah anda senang bekerja?
· Bagaimanakah anda memperlakuan anak buah anda?

Pertanyaan mengenai sasaran anda :
· Mengapa anda ingin bekerja dalam industri ini?
· Apakah yang mendorong anda melamar kepada perusahaan kami?
· Apakah yang anda inginkan dalam 5 tahun mendatang?
· Apakah yang anda inginkan dalam hidup anda?
· Apa yang anda lakukan untuk mencapai sasaran anda?

Pertanyaan mengenai organisasi yang ingin anda masuki :
· Apakah yang anda ketahui tentang organisasi yang akan anda masuki?
· Menurut anda faktor faktor sukses apa yang dibutuhkan seseorang untuk
bekerja disini?
· Apakah yang anda cari dalam bekerja?
· Bagaimana anda dapat berkontribusi dalam perusahaan ini?
· Menurut anda apa visi dan misi dari organisasi ini?

Nah, siap bersaing di dunia kerja? Yang penting, persiapkan diri anda
dengan baik dan jangan pernah meremehkan pertanyaan sekecil apapun dalam
wawancara kerja. Selamat bersaing!

Mobile Marketing At A Single Click!

Sabtu, 13 September 2008


Programme Development and Funding Co-ordinator, Indonesia
Closing Date: Sunday, 14 September 2008

Tags: Development Projects; OXFAM; Project Management
Oxfam Great Britain
Location: Indonesia (Jakarta)
Closing date: 14 Sep 2008
Job Description

GBP18,500 ? 23,865 net per annum

From natural hazards to developing livelihoods, Oxfam's work in Indonesia is as varied and challenging as any development programme. And while we might be making progress, it's far from over, more than a quarter of Indonesians live in poverty. We want to change this and we need you to do this.

Be challenged

This is what Oxfam is all about. Projects and development programmes both small and big bringing opportunity to those who need it most. But we'd be nowhere without the funding and support of our donors. And this is where you come in, leading the country programme funding strategy, training programme staff on cycle project management and identifying local donors. A highly visible part of our fundraising activity, you'll do all you can to meet agreed targets, whether that's by meeting donors, or producing detailed reports to further our understanding by developing proposals and managing contracts.

Be involved

A great team worker, with cultural sensitivity and the ability to represent Oxfam to donors and external institutions, you'll be ready to lead vital programmes of funding and development like ours in Indonesia. To do this, you'll need sound IT skills, experience of delivering training and confidence in researching, analysing and reporting on similar projects. It goes without saying you'll have excellent written and spoken English with a real passion for helping Oxfam achieve its goals, but if you can bring a broad understanding of INGO programming, not to mention knowledge of institutional donors, then so much the better.
Vacancies Contact
Be Oxfam
A simple, inescapable truth underlines everything we do at Oxfam. There's enough wealth in this world to go around. It's not unfortunate that people live in poverty. It's unjustifiable. It's not their problem. It's ours too. And with the right support, we can beat poverty and injustice. More than 8,000 people already commit their time and talents to our campaigning, humanitarian and long-term development projects. Now we're looking for yours.
To find out more about this role and to apply, visit www.oxfam.org.uk/jobs and quote ref: INT2927.
Closing date: 14 September 2008.
Reference Code: RW_7HVK6P-97
Source: Reliefweb


Transition Assistants - for Finance, Legal, documentation and Archiving, Asset Management (up to 8 positions), Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Closing Date: Thursday, 18 September 2008

Tags: Asset Management; Bahasa Indonesia; Content Management; ERP; English Language; Finance Assistant; Gender Equality; Labour Law; Laws and Regulations; Local Government; Private Sector; Pro-Poor; Procurement; Public Finance; Reconstruction; Social Development; Technical Support; Tsunami
Location : BRR Head Office, Banda Aceh, INDONESIA
Application Deadline : 18-Sep-08
Type of Contract : SSA
Post Level : SSA
Languages Required :
Starting Date :
(date when the selected canditate is expected to start) 25-Sep-2008
Refer a Friend Apply Now

UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.

As BRR enters the final year of its four-year mandate, the organization faces a new set of challenges. BRR intends to complete all physical construction projects by the end of 2008. During that year it will oversee the implementation of more than 3,000 parcels of work to the approximate value of US$700 million.

BRR?s capacity to complete its mandate and oversee the transition is complicated by three critical factors. First, during 2008 a number of key staff can be expected to take up post-BRR employment. Second, labour laws restrict BRR?s direct recruitment of international and short-term specialists. Third, BRR lacks the specialist skills needed to oversee transitional arrangements. Capacity limitations threaten the important recovery work that remains to be done and the legacy of the entire post-tsunami recovery programme.

Phase II of the Technical Assistance Support To BRR Project will supplement BRR capacity in the critical areas mentioned above, harnessing the expertise and resources needed for BRR to complete outstanding projects, transfer assets and documentation, and develop capacities at the local level. More specifically, Phase II will:

* mobilise flexible, short-term technical advisers and services to support BRR in completing its mandated activities before exiting in April 2009.
* provide technical assistance to BRR to support asset, project and knowledge transfer to local government, and the exercise of due diligence during the transition/handover period.
* assist BRR to implement the final stage of its ?regionalisation strategy?, which involves the relocation of resources to regional and district offices, and assisting local government agencies on the critical receiving end of the transition.

The importance of providing technical assistance to support these three broad objectives was acknowledged at the MDF Policy Dialogue on November 8, 2007. Timely assistance will be essential to preserve the legacy of recovery work and the establishment of a firm foundation for ongoing resource and asset management by local government.

In collaboration with the Aceh Government Transformation Programme (AGTP) - another UNDP-supported initiative, Phase II of the Technical Assistance Support to BRR Project presents an important opportunity to better structure working relationships between BRR and the provincial and local governments, paving the way for a smoother transition when BRR?s mandate expires in 2009.

A high-level team is tasked with developing BRR?s policy/implementation strategy for the transfer of assets and APBN documentation on behalf of the CFO?s office. In cooperation and consultation with BRR and relevant local government entities, the team will address four key areas for the closure of operations:

* Asset Transfer
* Legal exit strategy that covers BRR?s responsibilities and liability management
* Financial exit strategy that ensures BRR is meeting public finance responsibilities
* Documentation, administration and reporting

This particular assignment deals with finance:

The Finance Assistant will be a member of the finance sub-team which will be coordinated by the Senior Advisor Finance. BRR is a government agency with ministerial-level status. This status has given BRR a separate/special budget for its operations. It also requires that BRR follow the same procedures and regulations that apply to other central Government agencies. Applicable laws and regulations include:

* State Budget Implementation (Law No: 13/2003)
* Audit on State Budget (Law No: 14/2004)
* Government?s Procurement System (Presidential Decree No: 80/2003)
* All related decree of related Ministry (especially the Ministry of Finance)

In adherence with the above regulations, and in preparing for its closure, BRR will need to have

* a special Presidential decree to legally cover its closure;
* a special Ministry of Finance decree for related financial issues;
* related legal arrangements for organizing the closure; etc.

Scope of work:

The assistant positions are part of the Strategic Policy Asset Group, respectively the Asset Transfer Implementation Group. These positions will be reporting to the respective Senior Advisers.

Main focus areas are:

* ­ Finance
* ­ Legal
* ­ Documentation and Archiving
* ­ Asset Management

Duties will include:

* ­ Assisting the Senior Advisers in the drafting of work plans, schedules and other documents as directed for completing asset transfer.
* ­ Assist in the drafting of standard operation procedures (SOP) and guidelines for asset transfer.
* ­ Translate documents from English into Bahasa Indonesia and from Bahasa Indonesia into English as directed.
­ Sourcing and collating policy, strategic and operating documents created by BRR relating to asset transfer.
* ­ Providing other assistance to the Senior Finance Adviser as directed from time to time.

Expected Results/Final Products/Deliverables:

Successful completion of all duties as outlined above documented through monthly reports.

Output/Reporting Requirements:

Monthly reports, for each month of service in a set format covering: (1) Significant Achievements; (2) Allocation of Consultant's Efforts; (3) Challenges and Recommendations; (4) Lessons Learnt; (5) BRR Supervisor's Comments; (6) Report Approval (by BRR supervisor); and (7) Attachments. The attachments include: a log frame of the Content Management Specialist's assigned tasks, activities and output; a time sheet and, if the Content Management Specialist travels outside the duty station, a Return to Station report including any travel claims. This monthly report and its attachments must be submitted by the 5th day of the following month.

A final report at the conclusion of the assignment.

* Ideally, the Assistants (Finance, Legal, Documentation and Archiving, Asset Management) should have good knowledge in all elements of the project cycle management from inception to handover conclusion.
* Ideally the successful candidate would have intimate knowledge of asset creation and financing, have a good grasp of the operations of central government and be familiar with terminology adopted in the framework of Aceh reconstruction and rehabilitation.
* Knowledge of Indonesia Government systems and standards would be a distinct advantage.
* The Assistants should be experienced in working within a dynamic and highly demanding environment. The assignment will be subject to continual time constraints and a sense of urgency, bearing in mind that BRR's mandate is nearing completion.
* S/he should have the capacity and initiative to perform all tasks associated with the required deliverables. The Asset Transfer team is non-structural and administrative or technical support is limited.
* Candidate has to show familiarity with the terminology adopted in the framework of Aceh reconstruction and rehabilitation, as well as the masterplan.

* Minimum Bachelors degree in a discipline relevant to the assignment.
* 4 years of work experience in finance, legal, documentation and archiving, or asset management preferred
* Experience in government, private sector or international agencies will be taken positively into account
* Some work experience in Aceh definite plus
* Good knowledge of asset creation and financing paramount
* Grasp of operations of Indonesian ministries and the central government definite plus
* Knowledge of government systems and standards
* Proficient in Bahasa Indonesia language, spoken and written
* Proficient in English language, spoken and written
* Ability to draft reports


Volunteering, Indonesia
Closing Date: Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Tags: Age Discrimination; Bahasa Indonesia; Civil Society; English Language; Health Insurance; Human Resources; Human Rights; Indonesian Language; Social Justice
Peace Brigades International (PBI)
The PBI Indonesia Project www.pbi-indonesia.org (IP) provides protective accompaniment services and peace education workshops to local groups in Indonesia upon request. PBI began working in Indonesia in 1999 when conflicts led to invitations for a PBI presence by local groups and the National Human Rights Commission. PBI protects the work of local civil society organisations so that they can look for solutions to conflicts in their country. We do not intend to substitute for local groups, but rather to give space and support for their work. Participatory Peace Education encourages people to make new responses to conflict situations in their daily lives. Trainings use the local context and explore local models for conflict transformation.
Location: Indonesia (Jakarta and Papua)
Closing date: 30 Sep 2008
Job Description

Volunteering for PBI Indonesia?

The PBI Indonesia Project http://www.pbi-indonesia.org (IP) provides protective accompaniment services and peace education workshops to local groups in Indonesia upon request. PBI began working in Indonesia in 1999 when conflicts led to invitations for a PBI presence by local groups and the National Human Rights Commission. PBI protects the work of local civil society organisations so that they can look for solutions to conflicts in their country. We do not intend to substitute for local groups, but rather to give space and support for their work. Participatory Peace Education encourages people to make new responses to conflict situations in their daily lives. Trainings use the local context and explore local models for conflict transformation.
Location: Indonesia (Jakarta or Papua)
Starting date: to be arranged after acceptance as a Volunteer, according to availability and project?s need.

What we Offer
The PBI Indonesia Project offers an opportunity to work for 18 months in one of the IP project teams working on "making space for peace". IP volunteers have an opportunity to work in close contact with local NGO's and communities, as well as to develop skills in networking with all levels of governmental bodies. We also offer:
- Flight to Indonesia from your home country, and flight home at the end of your contract
- Accommodation in a PBI field team house, food and all living expenses covered
- Monthly stipend of approximately USD$150.00
- 4 weeks/annum paid vacation, with vacation stipend of$75/week.
- Comprehensive health insurance including reimbursement for medications
- Repatriation allowance of USD$2100 following completion of an 18 month contract
- Subsidised Indonesian language training: volunteers pay $1500 tuition and may take as many lessons as needed to achieve the required level. This usually takes about 4 months of full time study (individual arrangements can be made for Volunteers who already have Indonesian language skills and need substantially less training).
- A 12 day intensive training session prior to joining a project. (Training costs are heavily subsidised, but trainees are asked to pay a training fee (sliding scale based on income) and the travel expenses).
- Interesting and enriching field experience with an international NGO
PBI policy relating to anti-age discrimination for field volunteers
Age is not a barrier to working on projects. However, the need for mature and experienced volunteers is critical because the organization needs to interact with high level authorities and volunteers need to be able to assess responsibly risk and security questions in areas of crisis or conflict. Therefore volunteers are often over the age of 25.

We are looking for people with
- Strong commitment to Human Rights and Social Justice
- Ability to live and work in a team, living in modest conditions
- Flexibility, positive attitude and commitment to nonviolence
- Experience in consensus decision-making
- Experience in work related to human rights, peace, and conflict transformation work and/or other related NGO work
- Positive attitude to stress and fear management.
- Experience in political and Human Rights work, preferably outside of home country
- Demonstration of emotional, mental, and psychological stability (stress and fear management)
- Proficiency in English (project language) and proficiency in Indonesian (team language). Applications will be considered for people willing to learn Bahasa Indonesia before team service
- Willingness to attend an intensive training/interview process which does not guarantee acceptance on the team. English language ability must be sufficient to take part in the training.
Next training:
Date: 1 -12 November 2009
Location: near Lisbon, Portugal
Following training:
Most probably July 2009 in Indonesia

In order to attend a training, applicants must complete an application, provide letters of reference, and take part in a telephone interview (forms can be downloaded at http://www.pbi-indonesia.org).Please note that participation in the training, which is an integral part of our volunteer selection process, does not guarantee an invitation to join the field team.

For more information about our work, organisations and the teams please visit our web-page http://www.pbi-indonesia.org.

Deadline for applications for the November-training: 30 September 2008 sent to recruiting@pbi-indonesia.org. For any question, please feel free to contact Human Resources PBI Indonesia at the same address.
Vacancies Contact
Anita Linares
HRC PBI Indonesia
Reference Code: RW_7J7CCX-2
Source: Reliefweb


Geo-Technical Engineer, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Closing Date: Friday, 26 September 2008

Tags: Bahasa Indonesia; ERP; Sustainable Development
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
UNOPS helps its partners in the United Nations system meet the world?s needs for building peace, recovering from disaster, and creating sustainable development. UNOPS is known for its ability to implement complex projects in all types of environments around the globe
Location: Indonesia (Banda Aceh)
Closing date: 26 Sep 2008
Job Description

The Geo-Technical Engineer will work under the overall guidance and supervision of the Architect and will specifically undertake the following tasks:

1. Coordinate with UNICEF?s focal person in the selection of school sites.
2. Undertake site assessments to collect field data for mapping purposes.
3. Organize other detailed field surveys and sub-soil investigations.
4. Arrange for testing the soil samples and analyze/interpret test results.
5. Assist in the preparations of master plans.
6. Prepare regular progress reports to the Architect.
7. Any other duties as assigned by the Architect

Required Selection Criteria


- Use of computer with AUTOCAD software.
- Ability working long hours as required.
- Is conscientious and efficient in meeting deadlines and achieving results.
- Ability to organise and use time efficiently and effectively


- Bachelor of Science in Geology
- Minimum of 5 years geo-technical investigations
- Written and oral fluency in English is required, Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is Also essential.
Vacancies Contact
Reference Code: RW_7J7DVH-36
Source: Reliefweb


Architect, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Closing Date: Friday, 26 September 2008

Tags: Bahasa Indonesia; Earthquake; Emergency Situation; Reconstruction; Sustainable Development; Technical Support
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
UNOPS helps its partners in the United Nations system meet the world?s needs for building peace, recovering from disaster, and creating sustainable development. UNOPS is known for its ability to implement complex projects in all types of environments around the globe
Location: Indonesia (Banda Aceh)
Closing date: 26 Sep 2008
Job Description

The National Architect will report directly to the Technical Support Unit Senior Engineer and National Design Engineer. Following an overall guidance from TSU Senior Engineer and National Design Engineer will undertake the following tasks:

1. Responsible for timely delivery of high quality architectural design / documentation in compliance with all relevant design codes and standards.
2. Undertake site assessment & survey of school site requested by UNICEF for reconstruction and refurbishment;
3. Consult beneficiary communities on the preliminary design, considering nominal standards on child-friendly designs.
4. Prepare detailed architectural design drawings and documentation including technical specifications and bills of quantity for architectural works. All architectural design drawings shall be consistent with client?s requirements.
5. Provide the drafters with concept designs on the master plans.
6. Assist the structural engineers in defining the elements of the buildings.
7. Monitor the construction works in terms of conformity to the master plan and architectural designs.
8. Participate in design team meetings to ensure consistent application of design standards and to foster information sharing. Participate in technical coordination meetings with the client as requested;
9. Prepare Post Design Advice (PDA) in response to queries or issues arising during the construction phase. Undertake field visits as required to ensure satisfactory resolution of problems / issues on site;
10. Implement the requirements of UNOPS Quality Assurance plan and ensure that all architectural design and thoroughly documented and filed for future reference. Supervise subordinate staff to ensure that the requirements of the QA plan are carried out;
11. Undertake final review and signoff of documentation package including all drawings, specifications, design calculations, BOQ, etc.

1. Assist the Senior Engineer and Design Engineer in the preparation of regular design progress reports, budgeting and forecasting as required; and
2. Perform all other duties and tasks in response to reasonable requests by superiors specifically on the preparation of As-Built Drawings, Maintenance Manuals, Water and Sanitary CADD drawings, and electrical drawings.

Required Selection Criteria

- Proven ability to use AUTOCAD, MS Office softwares is required.
- Understanding of the process of tendering, contracting and contract administration..
- Thoroughness and attention to detail is essential with ability to anticipate difficulties that may have cost implications during the construction phase.

- First University degree in Architecture or equivalent work experience.
- Minimum 3 years work experience in the design and documentation of building construction projects and/or works of a similar nature
- Experience working in a post-conflict or emergency situations or earthquake affected areas will be an added advantage.
- Written and oral fluency in English is required, Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is also essential.
Vacancies Contact
Reference Code: RW_7J7DUA-20
Source: Reliefweb


Senior Structural Design Engineer, Indonesia
Closing Date: Friday, 26 September 2008

Tags: Bahasa Indonesia; Civil Engineering; Earthquake; Emergency Situation; Engineering Design; Sustainable Development; Technical Support
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
UNOPS helps its partners in the United Nations system meet the world?s needs for building peace, recovering from disaster, and creating sustainable development. UNOPS is known for its ability to implement complex projects in all types of environments around the globe
Location: Indonesia (Banda Aceh)
Closing date: 26 Sep 2008
Job Description

The National Senior Structural Engineer will report directly to Technical Support Unit Senior Engineer and National Design Engineer. Responsible for timely delivery of high quality engineering design / documentation in compliance with all relevant design codes and standards and management of subordinate structural engineers:

1. Compile and maintain up to date design standards relevant to Field Office areas including earthquake and wind loadings all other local building codes;
2. Determine preliminary structural design requirements for building structures in close coordination with the Architect;
3. Undertake structural analysis and detailed design of buildings and other structures in accordance with applicable design codes of SNI, Building Code for NAD Province and other international best practice standards adopted by UNOPS;
4. Prepare detailed structural design drawings and documentation including technical specifications and bills of quantity for structural works. All structural design drawings shall be consistent with Architectural requirements;
5. Lead the development of UNOPS / UNICEF specific structural design requirements in cooperation with other design team members and TSU Senior Engineer;
6. Facilitate regular design team meetings to ensure consistent application of design standards and to foster information sharing. Participate in technical coordination meetings with the client as requested;
7. Prepare Post Design Advice (PDA) in response to queries or issues arising during the construction phase. Undertake field visits as required to ensure satisfactory resolution of problems / issues on site;
8. Implement the requirements of UNOPS Quality Assurance plan and ensure that all structural analysis and design calculations are thoroughly documented and filed for future reference. Supervise subordinate staff to ensure that the requirements of the QA plan are carried out;
9. Undertake final review and signoff of documentation package including all drawings, specifications, design calculations, BOQ, etc.;
10. Provide design review comments / corrections to junior engineers. Provide constructive feedback / training to develop design team skills and foster professional development; and
11. Train subordinate staff in the application of relevant design standards, procedures and quality assurance process.

1. Assist the Senior Engineer and Design Engineer in the preparation of regular design progress reports, budgeting and forecasting as required; and
2. Perform all other duties and tasks in response to reasonable requests by superiors specifically on the preparation of As-Built Drawings, Maintenance Manuals, Water and Sanitary CADD drawings and electrical drawings.

Required Selection Criteria


- Proven ability to use SAP/2000/STRAP/STAAD Pro, AutoCAD, MS Office softwares is required. He or she must be well-versed on using AutoCAD software in the preparation of his/her structural details.
- Experience with other structural analysis & design calculation computer program will be added advantage
- Thorough understanding of the process of tendering, contracting and contract administration..


- University degree in Civil Engineering (Structures) with at least 7 years experience in the structural design and analyses of structures and documentation of building construction projects and / or works of a similar nature.
- Registered Professional Engineer with the Institution of Engineers Indonesia and LPJK
- Experience working in a post-conflict or emergency situations or earthquake affected areas will be added advantage.
- Written and oral fluency in English is required. Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is also essential.
Vacancies Contact
Reference Code: RW_7J7DWQ-2
Source: Reliefweb



Quantity Surveyor, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Closing Date: Friday, 26 September 2008

Tags: Bahasa Indonesia; Civil Engineering; Computer Programs; ERP; Earthquake; Emergency Situation; Quality Management; Rice; Sustainable Development; Technical Support
United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
UNOPS helps its partners in the United Nations system meet the world?s needs for building peace, recovering from disaster, and creating sustainable development. UNOPS is known for its ability to implement complex projects in all types of environments around the globe
Location: Indonesia (Banda Aceh)
Closing date: 26 Sep 2008
Job Description

The National Quantity Surveyor will report directly to the Technical Support Unit Senior Engineer and National Design Engineer. Responsible for timely delivery of high quality construction tender documentation in compliance with relevant design codes / standards:

1. Diligently undertake quantity survey of all proposed architectural, civil and structural works as designed by TSU technical staff;
2. Coordinate quantity off-take information from various design team inputs and prepare detailed, accurate and comprehensive Bill of Quantities for tendering purposes;
3. Coordinate and manage the ongoing process of collecting market rate survey data and maintain data base of material prices. Develop detailed rates for items of work based on the relevant SNI codes and current market conditions;
4. Prepare detailed Engineers Estimates to assist the tender evaluation process. Maintain at all times a high level of confidentiality regarding tender rates by protecting all sensitive documentation;
5. Assist the development of UNOPS/UNICEF specific design/estimate requirements in cooperation with other design team members;
6. Participate in regular design team meetings to ensure consistent application of design standards and to foster information sharing;

- Assist the TSU Senior Engineer and National Design Engineer in the preparation of regular design progress reports, budgeting and forecasting as required; and
- Perform all other duties and tasks in response to reasonable requests by TSU Senior Engineer and National Design Engineer.

Required Selection Criteria


- Good interpersonal and communication skills with strong inclination towards quality management practices.
- Experience working in a post-conflict or emergency situations or earthquake affected areas will be added advantage.
- Understanding of UN rules, regulations and procedures would be an advantage.


- University degree in Civil Engineering or Quantity Surveying
- At least six (6) years experience in the preparation of bills of Quantity, engineer?s estimates and tender documentation for construction projects and/or works of a similar nature. Experience in the process of tendering, contracting and contract administration;
- Proven ability to use MS Office software especially Word and Excel is essential. Experience with other computer programs such as AUTOCAD, SAP 2000 and Microsoft Project would be an advantage;
- Written and oral fluency in English is required, Knowledge of Bahasa Indonesia is also essential.
Vacancies Contact
Reference Code: RW_7J7DS6-15
Source: Reliefweb


Finance Assistant, Indonesia
Closing Date: Monday, 22 September 2008

Tags: Cash Management; Data Entry; Data Processing; ERP; Effectiveness; Finance Assistant; Financial Resources; Financial Services; Gender Equality; Knowledge Management; Pro-Poor; Rules and Regulations; Social Development
Location : Jayapura, INDONESIA
Application Deadline : 22-Sep-08
Type of Contract : Service Contract
Languages Required :
Expected Duration of Assignment : 12 Months
Refer a Friend Apply Now

UNDP Indonesia's mission is to be an agent for change in the human and social development of Indonesia. We aim to be a bridge between Indonesia and all donors as well as a trusted partner to all stakeholders. We work in four key areas of development: Governance Reforms, Pro-Poor Policy Reforms, Conflict Prevention and Recovery, and Environment Management, with the overarching aim of reducing poverty in Indonesia. Besides the four priority areas, UNDP Indonesia is also engaged in a variety of crosscutting initiatives focused on HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and information and technology for development.

I. Organizational Context

Under the guidance and supervision of the Programme Coordinator and direct supervision of the Finance Associate, the Finance Assistant provides financial services ensuring high quality, accuracy and consistency of work. The Finance Assistant promotes a client-oriented approach consistent with UNDP rules and regulations.

The Finance Assistant works in close collaboration with all staff members in the Jayapura office and counterparts in UNDP Jakarta to exchange information and ensure consistent service delivery.

II. Functions / Key Results Expected

Summary of Key Functions:

* Implementation of operational strategies and procedures
* Compliance of financial processes and financial records
* Support knowledge building and sharing

1. Ensure implementation of operational strategies and procedures, focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Full compliance of financial processes and financial records with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies.
* Provision of inputs to elaboration of workplans

2. Assist Finance Associate to ensure full compliance of financial processes and financial records with UN/UNDP rules, regulations, policies and strategies. Specifically, the Finance Assistant will:

* Provides overall accounting and administrative support to the UNDP Papua office in Jayapura;
* Assist with preparation of cost-recovery bills for the services provided by UNDP, follow up on cost recovery;
* Ensures proper control of the supporting documents for payments and financial reports for UNDP Papua for payments to be made by UNDP-Jayapura and by UNDP-Jakarta; also monitors payments made to partners and vendors;
* Prepare presentation of information on the status of financial resources as required.
* Management of cash receipts and petty cash.
* Maintenance of the proper filing system for finance records and documents.
* Ensures proper cash management system in Jayapura office;
* Reviews cash position for local account to ensure sufficient funds on hand for disbursements;

3. Support knowledge building and sharing in the Field Office, focusing on achievement of the following results:

* Participation in the training for the operations/projects staff on Finance.
* Contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice.

III. Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on the execution of UNDP financial services management in terms of quality and accuracy of work. Accurate data entry and presentation of financial information and a client-oriented approach enhances UNDP?s capability to effectively and efficiently manage financial resources.

IV. Competencies

Corporate Competencies:

* Demonstrates commitment to UNDP?s mission, vision and values
* Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

Functional Competencies

Knowledge Management and Learning

* Shares knowledge and experience
* Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more practice areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

Development and Operational Effectiveness

* Ability to perform a variety of standard tasks related to financial resources management, including screening and collecting documentation, financial data processing, filing, provision of information
* Good knowledge of financial rules and regulations
* Strong IT skills
* Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, implementation of new system

Leadership and Self-Management

* Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback
* Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
* Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure

V. Recruitment Qualifications


Diploma in Accounting or Finance


* Minimal 2 to 3 years of relevant Accounting and Finance experience is required. Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web based management systems.

Language Requirements:

* Fluency in English and Indonesian.

In accordance with Government policies preference will be given to indigenous Papuans and United Nations as an equal opportunity employer also encourages qualified women to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

UNDP Indonesia reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP Indonesia at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and education requirements.


Deputy Country Representative, Indonesia
Closing Date: Monday, 29 September 2008

Tags: Capacity Building; Conflict Resolution; Environmental Health; Human Resources; Local Government; Mental Health; Monitoring and Evaluation; Monitoring and Reporting; Programme Planning; Project Monitoring; Risk Management
Canadian Red Cross
Humanitarian Aid Organization
Location: Indonesia (Banda Aceh)
Closing date: 29 Sep 2008
Job Description

DURATION: 12 months
STATUS: Spousal Accompanied

The Canadian Red Cross Society (CRCS), a non-profit, humanitarian organization dedicated to helping Canadians, as well as the most vulnerable throughout the world, is currently seeking a Deputy Country Representative for the Indonesia delegation.

Summary Statement of Responsibilities

Reporting to the Country Representative (CR), the Deputy Country Representative is responsible for providing direction and supervision of overall programmatic management and implementation of this large scale multi-sectoral intervention. The sectoral areas, which the Canadian Red Cross implements, include: community engagement activities for permanent and temporary shelters, Environmental Health (EH), Integrated Community Based Risk Reduction (ICBRR) and Livelihoods initiatives. To ensure the effective and efficient implementation of these programmes, this role will involve supporting the Country Representative and coordination of internal stakeholders including Finance, Human Resources, Information and Reporting and Program Managers. The incumbent will also work with external partners such as the IFRC (International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies), other National Societies, PMI (Indonesian Red Cross), provincial and local governments, (I)NGO?s and the media.

Duties Applicable to All:

- Work towards the achievement of National Red Cross / Red Crescent Society goals in the country / region of operation through effective managerial and lateral relations and teamwork.
- Ensure understanding of roles, responsibilities, lateral relationships and accountabilities.
- Perform other work related duties and responsibilities as assigned by the supervisor.

Key Responsibilities:

- Work closely with the CR in identifying the strategic direction of the programme that is consistent with CRC and CIDA expectations.
- Integrate feedback from sectoral managers on changing needs and dynamics falling within the CRC programming strategy.
- Provide senior management direction, support and guidance for all aspects of field programme planning and implementation involving community engagement requirements related to permanent housing and temporary shelters, implementation and maintenance of the beneficiary criteria and support resolution to land issues, EH, ICBRR and livelihoods initiatives.
- Develop monitoring and evaluation systems and ensure effective implementation of program plans.
- Develop and monitor program risk management systems.
- Ensure the integration and coordination of programme interventions to the fullest extent possible.
- Ensure maintenance of integrated database systems for households and communities in coordination with shelter and other program teams.
- Ensure integration of programming models and concepts and compliance with SPHERE and other best practice models and standards.
- Ensure achievable Quarterly Activity/Target Plans are produced by sectors.
- Ensure effective coordination within sectoral programmes and between sectoral programmes and the permanent shelter unit.
- Ensure coordination within the movement and externally.
- Effectively manage and motivate staff including ongoing coaching, capacity building and performance management.
- Establish and implement program and project monitoring and reporting requirements.
- Work closely with the Finance/Admin Delegate and Country Representative to ensure compliance with the Canadian Red Cross, donor and ethical standards;
- Work closely with the Finance/Admin Delegate in order to monitor programme budgets, maximize programme efficiency and minimizing short falls in spending.
- Acts for the CR during absences (including acting as a spokesperson as required)


- At least 10+ years of field experience in humanitarian relief AND development program, of which, at least three years experience in a complex humanitarian environment at a senior management level of a large delegation of both international and local staff.
- Proven experience in effective planning and coordination, including experience in downsizing a larger operation in a strategic manner.
- Experience in effectively managing and motivating staff in a complex and dynamic environment.
- Proven abilities in decision making and problem solving - abilities to foresee various options and objectively assess viability of these options.
- Previous experience in working in post-conflict and/or post-natural disaster environments.
- Excellent communications, conflict resolution skills and intercultural sensitivity, including managing expectations of different stakeholders in a balanced and diplomatic manner.
- Experience in a broad range of projects, and understanding the link between relief, development and advocacy (e.g., Livelihood, Housing, Environmental Health, etc.)
- Experience with media or as a spokesperson an asset.
- Extensive experience implementing programs focused on community based development approaches, including at least 10 years experience with large and complex operations in collaboration with the host governments and other implementing agencies.
- Solid programmatic, financial and organizational planning skills.
- Experience in Results Based Management practices.
- Previous experience of working for Red Cross organization is an asset.
- Ability to maintain an overall positive attitude in the face of adversity.

Due to the urgent nature of this recruitment, candidate reviews will commence immediately upon publication of this vacancy announcement and will continue until a suitable candidate has been identified. Candidates are strongly encouraged to submit their application without delay.
Vacancies Contact
Interested parties may submit their resumes quoting Competition Number IZO08- 52 to:
The Canadian Red Cross Society
170 Metcalfe Street, Suite 300
Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2P2
Fax: +1 (613) 740-1911
E-mail: careers_in@redcross.ca
While we appreciate all responses, only candidates under consideration will be contacted. We kindly ask not to send in duplicate copies of your resume.
Reference Code: RW_7JAQY5-38
Source: Reliefweb